Sunday, April 16, 2006

West Wing - Requiem (4/16)

Here we go...and I'm totally going to cry.

And Bartlet's putting on his tie...CJ's getting ready too. There's Josh. Doesn't look as depressed as I imagined...and tere's Toby, and now Donna. Donna definitely looks sad. There's Abbey. And here we go, already tears in my eyes. Josh sitting behind Jed....interesting. Mallory..and then three Bartlett sisters. Interesting that Josh and CJ are sitting near each other. Amy, Danny. Josh and Donna not really sitting together. Ainsley's there. Impressive guest list. Church is packed, no surprise. There's Mallory again. As my dad just said...AINT NO WAY. No way Jed is a pallbearer, Leo or not. Charlie, Jed, Matt, Josh, and two I didnt recognize as pallbearers. Okay, so I just got teary eyed, but didnt cry.

Leaving the funeral....talking with Matt. Interesting conversation regarding the House. I forgot that the Democrats won back the House. Hmm... Charlie talking to Toby. Toby's not going to Arlington..........nice to know that's where Leo will be buried. Abbey sounds close to tears. So does Jed for that matter. Yeah, Leo would have been mortified. Santos should best get used to people clapping when he enters a's gonna happen a lot. Well, Josh made his point there about messages. Hehe...Josh in political mode. Nice to know Josh is going to be CoS. Josh doesn't look entirely comfortable. CJ looks good...and there's Danny. I've always loved Danny. I definitely love Danny. CJ and Danny talk? *grins* They've always been an interesting pair. The two of them make me chuckle. Interesting meeting here...Okay, so I've still managed not to cry.

Charlie has a real office. Interesting conversation between Charlie and Donna. Charlie can't believe it...Okay, celebration for Leo's funeral...hmm...I like Santos. What a jackass guy. Nice, solid front from Santos and Josh. Yuck, we're seeing Russell. I've never been a Russell fan. Donna and CJ :) AHHH hehe...Donna crashing at CJ's place. There's Jed...staring off into space. *Shakes head* I love Abbey. Leo would be furious. Jed certainly seems more jolly than expected. Wonderful stories about Leo. Interesting look on Abbey's face though. Still haven't cried.

Hehe, I love Danny. CJ cracks me up. I bet Donna is behind CJ....:-P Matt doesnt know what he got himself into. Uh oh...AMY. Go Away. Liar Liar Josh...AINSLEY! I miss Ainsley. I hate Baker... Oooo..wasnt exactly the thing to tell Josh. I want Josh and Donna together. The two of them need to get their heads out of their butts. *Rolls eyes* CJ and Donna are quite a pair. Josh and Donna are also quite a pair. I wonder what Matt's doing...Russell is a no deal. I understand where Josh is coming from. Nice way to put that Josh...he's not a "yes" man, never has been. Still havent cried....

Go away Amy. Go far, far away. Amy fixing Josh up? *raises eyebrows* Amy turns around when Donna gets there. And there comes the middle of the pissing match :-P Matt's got a point. Baker's not the right choice, but *grrr* Amy's always been an idiot. OOO I like Matt, but did you have to offer a job? CJ and Josh talking. Ainsley as White House counsel. Josh get rid of the Republican "thing." More stories about Leo :) I love this scene in the Residence. I love these stories about Leo. LOL. I love Annabeth. I dont like Fields, but I imagine he doesnt like Santos so much. Nice story about the fish and the gun. Man, I miss Leo. Wonderful words by Jed right here. Very poignant scene with Josh looking back at the White House.

SAM! Josh and Donna!

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