Friday, May 05, 2006

God forbid I have a different opinion than my parents

Seriously, when are my parents going to learn that I have different opinions than them on just about everything, and am now an adult? I'm inclined to believe never, at this rate. Excuse me for having a mind, and being able to think for myself. Heaven forbid I actually have the ability to disagree with them on anything. Sometimes I just want to strangle my parents. And then they wave my choices in my face like just by thinking for myself, I'm automatically wrong. And heaven forbid I actually express my opinions, let alone simply have them. My parents need to get over themselves, they're not perfect. They've been good parents, but they're far from perfect. It'd also be nice if they realized that I'm not my brothers, I dont want to be anything like my brothers, and I'm also not perfect. Oh, and that I simply don't care. I hate how people think the oldest has it best. I'm sorry, but I'd have to disagree. Many times, I've wished I was an only child. That way, nothing to live up to. My brothers are younger than me, and I still feel like I have to live up to their brains and their level of "perfection." Would it kill my family to take an interest in some of the things I care about, instead of maligning them at every turn? I can't begin to count the number of times over the years that my parents have come close to burning several bridges where I'm concerned, simply because they didn't care enough. I wish they'd just care.

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