Saturday, March 18, 2006

Boredom, boredom, boredom...

So it's 9:23 PM on a Saturday night. I'm at home (and okay with that), but at the same time bored. There are a few different things I could be doing...getting ready for Primary tomorrow, studying for my midterm next week, read a novel....except that I dont feel like doing any of those things. I'd like to find a wonderful fan fiction to get lost in, but I haven't found one in a little while now. The last one I really got lost in for a LONG time were Abraxan's stories. I've recced them here before, so go check them out. Don't let the length scare you; they're amazing. I spent an entire weekend reading almost non-stop, and then some time through the week before I finished them. Simply amazing!

But now I'm back to being bored and dont know what to do about it. I could go to bed, except that, in being nice to my mom, I volunteered to stay up until my little brother gets home from wherever he is (two hours from now)

Tomorrow afternoon should be nice. My cousin and her husband are coming down to get the rolltop desk we're giving them (we dont use it anymore), and my mom promised to feed them before they made the two hour trek back home. I saw Candi (and no, she's not flaky like the name might imply--she graduated Valedictorian from her H.S.) when she came down for my brother's Eagle Scout ceremony in January, but Brandon had to work. If I remember correctly, they weren't at the family Christmas party either--they were at Brandon's family's house, I think. So it's been awhile since I've seen Brandon.

On Thursday night I rented Walk the Line. Haven't watched it yet, but it's not due back until Tuesday before 10PM. I may sit and watch it before Candi and Brandon arrive tomorrow. Of course, at 7PM tomorrow I'll be watching The West Wing. It's rather depressing to realize that counting tomorrow, there are only 8 Sundays of new West Wing left. As I was looking through the West Wing stuff on tvguide's website, I realized that the first time the show makes me cry will be April 2nd when Annabeth finds Leo. Though, on a better note, I am so totally looking forward to seeing Rob Lowe in the final two episodes. I really hoped he would come back for the end. I've missed him. For those of you that saw the previews at the end of last week's episode will notice that we got a HUGE clue as to who wins the election. When we saw Sam, he's saying "I'm here for the President." First off, he's not saying it to Vinnick. Plus, the area around him doesn't look anything like the area in the White House. It does, however, look like the current Santos for President headquarters in Washington, D.C. :-P Of course, a friend of mine who gets spoilers regularly for the show already told me that yes, Santos wins the election. For anyone that I just ruined it for, I'm sorry, but did you really think Vinnick was going to win? Especially since they can let the show end with one Democractic president replacing another Democrat?

Aright, so it's time for me to go find something to do....wish me luck!

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