Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I've been in such a funk the last few days. I'm back to feeling like I did in high school. For whatever reason, the whole boyfriend issue is driving me crazy again. It's not like a boyfriend would do me a lot of good right now. I'm graduating in December and I have no plans of staying around here and a long-distance relationship isn't something I want to try for my first boyfriend. However, logic doesn't seem to be working well right now. It's a very good thing that I don't have anything serious due til after Spring Break because I'm the next thing to useless right now when it comes to my schoolwork. Truth be told, I'm back to feeling some of the same things I was feeling before I started seeing the counselor - more of the feeling of just going through the motions. *sigh* It's something I'm going to end up talking to Irene about come our session over spring break. I know I'll need to talk about it, but it means I'll end up crying again.

On another note, I'm very much ready for my brother to leave for Florida with his girlfriend and her family. I may end up going to see the new Adam Sandler movie with my parents on Friday night. It's one I really want to see and surprisingly enough so does my dad at least. I'll enjoy the time to myself in the mornings. It will also be a preview of next semester...

Also, of course my carpal tunnel has flared up and is pissing me off. It flared up back on the 11th (a Sunday). I think I slept on my wrists wrong or they were just protesting being curled, but I've had issues since then. At least this time they're not tingling. That's the worst.

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