Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I really should have known better . . .

Honestly, I should have known better than to take four Humanities classes in one semester. Five weeks or so into the semester and I'm drowning in reading and homework. I'd love to be able to not read some of it and do well, but it's all relevant and important. Three of the four classes are actually really interesting, but I'm still drowning in homework. The four classes I have are:

  • PS 417 - The American Judicial System: one of the interesting classes, but a fair amount of work, especially now with an exam on Monday, Oral Arguments on the 5th, only to be followed by starting on the 5-7 page term paper
  • Hist 247 - History of American Business: Another of the interesting classes. I've studied American politics and American history and now I'm looking at how business fits into that picture throughout the history of America.
  • Hist 333 - The Renaissance: This is the less interesting class. The professor makes up an outline for lecture, and then completely doesn't follow it. There is no structure to her lectures and that means I inherently get less out of them. The book she assigned for the class is actually really interesting, but lecture sucks. Thankfully, my only grades are exams where she gives us the possible questions in advance
  • Hist 393 - The Civil War Era, 1848-1877: This is the most interesting of my classes and the most work. The professor is really good and so are the readings he has assigned. There are a lot of assignments that are meant to make sure we're reading, but the assignments add to our understanding of the period, rather than just checking to see if we're reading.

Unfortunately, Im going to spend a majority of this weekend studying, plus I have a lesson to prepare for Primary. Gah! At least it'll be a good weekend to stay inside, with the weather being warm enough to rain, but just cold enough that it could sleet if it wanted to.

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