Sunday, September 03, 2006


First off, I hate carpal tunnel. It's annoying and is driving me crazy. I guess I should consider myself lucky it's not worse. However, since I do a LOT of typing for school, and cant seem to keep my hands uncurled when I sleep, it might end up worse before it gets better.

Second, Im watching Just My Luck, and I forgot just how dorky this movie is. Of course, Im really watching it for Chris Pine. He's really cute :)

Third, my counselor strongly suspects I'm ADHD. At first (probably like you are), I was like," What? No, Im not hyperactive and bouncing off the walls." Then she qualified it and said that it was the inattentive type, and when she started describing it, and asked me to see how many of the symptoms fit my life, more than enough did. It would definitely explain many of the problems I see in my life, particularly where school's concerned. To give you an idea of what it's like, at least for's like knowing I have a task to complete, wanting to complete it, and believing that I know how to complete it, only to try and start it and realize I can't do it, and then not being able to remember why you can't do it. It's frustrating, to say the least. So I have a medication consult in a few weeks with a therapist with an M.D. (my counselor is a Ph.D. and thus can't prescribe medication). So we'll see...

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