Thursday, December 14, 2006

I just get so frustrated sometimes

I hate how sometimes I feel like I'm a secondclass citizen within my own family. It wasn't a big deal when I got into NMU, or even into Madison as a transfer student, but when my brothers apply and get into their top choices, it's a huge deal and warrants dinner out. For me at least, it's another reminder of why I'm now starting to speed down the path of being ready to move out on my own. For me, that's not financially feasible until I finish college a year from now, but the goal is to have a job soon after graduation and preferrably away from my family so I can truly get out on my own. The idea scares me some, and in all reality it should, but it doesn't terrify me anymore.

At this point, I also wish my family would leave me the hell alone for the next week, but of course my family has no idea what that concept is.

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