Monday, March 12, 2007


I hate having carpal tunnel! It reared its ugly head again this weekend. I woke up Sunday morning with my left wrist bothering me. It got bad enough that I got out the brace after church on Sunday. I had hoped that wearing it yesterday would negate needing it today. However, I didn't get that lucky. It was bad again today so I have the brace on again today. I'm sitting in lecture now, learning to type again while wearing the brace. Of course, typing on my laptop with the brace is not exactly easy. I would love to be able to wear the brace and not have to type tonight, but I have a paper on the History of American business to write tonight. In theory, I could write it out by hand tonight and type it up in the morning, but that's an option I'd rather not consider.

Tomorrow I have a midterm and a paper due, but after that, things slow down :) It means that Thursday morning I'll be able to paint some more of the wooden items I bought at Michael's last week. I like painting the wooden objects - it's easy, fun, and more than a little relaxing as I can listen to an audiobook and paint and generally not have to think.

I'm ready for my brother to leave for his trip to Florida. He's headed to Florida with his girlfriend over her spring break (his spring break is the following week). They're gone for I think 10 days, but I don't know that for sure. I *think* they leave on a Friday and get back on a Sunday. It will be a peek into what next semester will be like as it'll just be me and my parents around the house. It's hard to believe that I have just one more full semester left and then I graduate. Oh, and never graduate in December, at least not at Wisconsin! I graduate like the 16th or so and then have finals the next week! Gah!

Hmm...maybe I should give my wrist a rest and stop typing . . .

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