Sunday, March 19, 2006

West Wing - Two Weeks Out (3/19)

I'm ready for West Wing to start.
Here we go! I dont like Vinnick's new campaign manager...but then again Im not a huge fan of Vinnick. Nice to see Vinnick still dodging nuclear power questions. OOOO Vinnick's hand hurts.
EEEEEPP! Cast? ooooo. *grins* there we go! Some Santos action now. I was getting tired of seeing Vinnick. Nice to see Toby talking to Josh nicely. Here's hoping Josh listens to Toby. That campaign lady is an idiot. LOL as much as I hated Bruno, I like him better than this new campaign lady. Vinnickdoesn't look so good. She's talking like there's a lot of time left before the election, and there's really not...and he just shut the door in her face. Sounds like a plan to me. I suppose this is our penance for seeing so much of Santos lately. Nice to see Josh is taking Toby's advice...except not mentioning Toby...well kinda mentioning Toby. I love Santos, and Josh too. That reminds me, I didn't know that Bradley Whitford was in Billy Madison. And there we go, the two campaigns see each other across the hallway. Interesting strategy by Vinnick...too bad it won't work. I dont want them going to his home state...I want Santos there all by his lonesome. Hmm...what's in the briefcase? I guess I know what was in the briefcase. Looks like they cant find it...that means BRUNO has it! And Bruno, being the ass he is, is going to use what's in it.
Interesting...the lost briefcase. Have to wonder what's in it if Santos is that worried. Hmm..talking to Toby again. Nice to see Josh and Toby talking and getting along. I have to wonder what facillitated that. I'm so tired of the Vinnick campaign. There's Bruno....looking rather, shall we say, grim. Here's where Bruno is going to tell Vinnick what is in it. I just want to smack Vinnick and Bruno. GRRRR I hate him. Someone asked me last week if Bruno was this much of a creep the last time we saw him. I said that no, he was just as much a creep, but we just hadnt seen him in awhile. After tonight, I have to say that he is more of a creep this time around.
I wanna know what's in the briefcase. Well well...that's what Bruno found. Let's hope Vinnick stays this principled. Give the briefcase back to the Secret Service....IDIOT IDIOT. Cute little kid! ooooo...... I hope this press conference backfires on him. Come on...hurry up and backfire already. Let's go...backfire already. The million dollar question. I like this whole thing between Josh and Toby. Lol., that campaign lady is wound too tight. Dang it! That strategy actually worked. You know, I have to say, that I've missed the interesting conversation between Toby and Josh...not the angry stuff of this season, but the stuff of tonight, and in early times.
Haffley is an idiot. I've hated him for quite awhile now. Vinnick is going to tell Santos. Now Josh talking to Bruno. He's gonna give back the briefcase, and tell Santos that he knows what's in it. Bruno respect the voters? You've gotta be kidding me. Lou's on the phone...again. Wonder is Santos will show up. There we go :-P You know, I dont think the candidates have spoken face to face since they decided to have the debate. Interesting, interesting, interesting. I like Santos - as if you didnt already know that.

I am so ready for Sam to come back.

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