Friday, March 31, 2006

Second to last spring training game

Im getting ready to watch the second to last spring training game for the Chicago Cubs :) GO CUBBIES! I really havent gotten into spring training much this year, but this game has me interesting because the rookie is starting. I want to see the rookie pitch, and it only helps that he's a lefty :) Im really looking forward to the season starting on Monday for my cubbies.

On another note, Sunday's episode of West Wing is going to be rather depressing...except for you know, the JD action :-P Okay, game's starting. Bye!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

West Wing - Welcome to Wherever You Are (3/26)

OOOO, Annabeth singing :-P Nice that we're seeing Santos. Nice to see Josh and Donna can handle being in the same room without too much tension. Santos looks exhausted. OOO Mrs. Santos looks less than thrilled. Im gonna miss Josh's grin when the show ends. Not a bad intro, overall. Nice to see Santos for the beginning. I've gotten tired of seeing so much Vinnick here lately!
*grins* Talking to Toby again :) Yuck, Jon Bon've gotta be kidding me. Here's to hoping things go well for Toby. That's definitely a circus. Yep! Circus definitely describes that. I already dont like the attorney general. Take the deal! Idiot attorney general. He's an ass.
Lou is an interesting character. I like Matt Santos, and I really like Donna as press secretary. This is funny :-P I like the conversation between Santos and his wife. I WANNA SEE LEO! :-P Interesting man, Atrios (Hmm...I wonder if that's spelled right). Lou is so funny :-P Really likes Jon Bon Jovi. Josh is getting a kick out of Lou's "obsession" with Bon Jovi. Complete circus. I wonder how any of them can hear themselves speak. Eeepp...little gaffe there by Mrs. Santos. ANDI! You can tell Toby wants to talk with Andi about the deal by the attorney general. Santos just looks exhausted.
Circus comes to mind. I WANNA SEE LEO. Toby and Andi :) Man, Huck and Molly are big! I didn't think they were so big yet. I gotta tell you, I'm tired of seeing Jon Bon Jovi! Looks like his son is dressing up as someone from Harry Potter. OOO A look between Josh and Donna. You know, it's not out of the realm of possibilities that Andi told Toby about the space shuttle. OOO Who told him? I wonder if we'll ever find out who told Toby. Santos isnt the only one who looks exhausted...Josh definitely does. I want more Josh/Donna interaction. I like Toby. Tell the US Attorney guy who told you about the space shuttle.
I like Annabeth. I like that Santos finally helped Josh get the VP. Okay, Toby. Tell him. Stupid Attorney General. That's a circus...trying to go trick-or-treating. OOOO What an interesting visual...the kid having an issue. Donna....not funny. Santos is a litte pissed. He needs some sleep. I love Josh.
Election Day :) Donna and Josh IN BED TOGETHER. It's about DAMN time!

Sorry for this week

I know I've been very absent this week, and I'm sorry. It's been a very long week. I'll have the West Wing ep stuff up tonight, no worries. I'm not sure if I'll have it up next week, or even the week after. Starting next week, the chances of me crying during an episode go up dramatically. I'll let you do the math there.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

West Wing - Two Weeks Out (3/19)

I'm ready for West Wing to start.
Here we go! I dont like Vinnick's new campaign manager...but then again Im not a huge fan of Vinnick. Nice to see Vinnick still dodging nuclear power questions. OOOO Vinnick's hand hurts.
EEEEEPP! Cast? ooooo. *grins* there we go! Some Santos action now. I was getting tired of seeing Vinnick. Nice to see Toby talking to Josh nicely. Here's hoping Josh listens to Toby. That campaign lady is an idiot. LOL as much as I hated Bruno, I like him better than this new campaign lady. Vinnickdoesn't look so good. She's talking like there's a lot of time left before the election, and there's really not...and he just shut the door in her face. Sounds like a plan to me. I suppose this is our penance for seeing so much of Santos lately. Nice to see Josh is taking Toby's advice...except not mentioning Toby...well kinda mentioning Toby. I love Santos, and Josh too. That reminds me, I didn't know that Bradley Whitford was in Billy Madison. And there we go, the two campaigns see each other across the hallway. Interesting strategy by Vinnick...too bad it won't work. I dont want them going to his home state...I want Santos there all by his lonesome. Hmm...what's in the briefcase? I guess I know what was in the briefcase. Looks like they cant find it...that means BRUNO has it! And Bruno, being the ass he is, is going to use what's in it.
Interesting...the lost briefcase. Have to wonder what's in it if Santos is that worried. Hmm..talking to Toby again. Nice to see Josh and Toby talking and getting along. I have to wonder what facillitated that. I'm so tired of the Vinnick campaign. There's Bruno....looking rather, shall we say, grim. Here's where Bruno is going to tell Vinnick what is in it. I just want to smack Vinnick and Bruno. GRRRR I hate him. Someone asked me last week if Bruno was this much of a creep the last time we saw him. I said that no, he was just as much a creep, but we just hadnt seen him in awhile. After tonight, I have to say that he is more of a creep this time around.
I wanna know what's in the briefcase. Well well...that's what Bruno found. Let's hope Vinnick stays this principled. Give the briefcase back to the Secret Service....IDIOT IDIOT. Cute little kid! ooooo...... I hope this press conference backfires on him. Come on...hurry up and backfire already. Let's go...backfire already. The million dollar question. I like this whole thing between Josh and Toby. Lol., that campaign lady is wound too tight. Dang it! That strategy actually worked. You know, I have to say, that I've missed the interesting conversation between Toby and Josh...not the angry stuff of this season, but the stuff of tonight, and in early times.
Haffley is an idiot. I've hated him for quite awhile now. Vinnick is going to tell Santos. Now Josh talking to Bruno. He's gonna give back the briefcase, and tell Santos that he knows what's in it. Bruno respect the voters? You've gotta be kidding me. Lou's on the phone...again. Wonder is Santos will show up. There we go :-P You know, I dont think the candidates have spoken face to face since they decided to have the debate. Interesting, interesting, interesting. I like Santos - as if you didnt already know that.

I am so ready for Sam to come back.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Boredom, boredom, boredom...

So it's 9:23 PM on a Saturday night. I'm at home (and okay with that), but at the same time bored. There are a few different things I could be doing...getting ready for Primary tomorrow, studying for my midterm next week, read a novel....except that I dont feel like doing any of those things. I'd like to find a wonderful fan fiction to get lost in, but I haven't found one in a little while now. The last one I really got lost in for a LONG time were Abraxan's stories. I've recced them here before, so go check them out. Don't let the length scare you; they're amazing. I spent an entire weekend reading almost non-stop, and then some time through the week before I finished them. Simply amazing!

But now I'm back to being bored and dont know what to do about it. I could go to bed, except that, in being nice to my mom, I volunteered to stay up until my little brother gets home from wherever he is (two hours from now)

Tomorrow afternoon should be nice. My cousin and her husband are coming down to get the rolltop desk we're giving them (we dont use it anymore), and my mom promised to feed them before they made the two hour trek back home. I saw Candi (and no, she's not flaky like the name might imply--she graduated Valedictorian from her H.S.) when she came down for my brother's Eagle Scout ceremony in January, but Brandon had to work. If I remember correctly, they weren't at the family Christmas party either--they were at Brandon's family's house, I think. So it's been awhile since I've seen Brandon.

On Thursday night I rented Walk the Line. Haven't watched it yet, but it's not due back until Tuesday before 10PM. I may sit and watch it before Candi and Brandon arrive tomorrow. Of course, at 7PM tomorrow I'll be watching The West Wing. It's rather depressing to realize that counting tomorrow, there are only 8 Sundays of new West Wing left. As I was looking through the West Wing stuff on tvguide's website, I realized that the first time the show makes me cry will be April 2nd when Annabeth finds Leo. Though, on a better note, I am so totally looking forward to seeing Rob Lowe in the final two episodes. I really hoped he would come back for the end. I've missed him. For those of you that saw the previews at the end of last week's episode will notice that we got a HUGE clue as to who wins the election. When we saw Sam, he's saying "I'm here for the President." First off, he's not saying it to Vinnick. Plus, the area around him doesn't look anything like the area in the White House. It does, however, look like the current Santos for President headquarters in Washington, D.C. :-P Of course, a friend of mine who gets spoilers regularly for the show already told me that yes, Santos wins the election. For anyone that I just ruined it for, I'm sorry, but did you really think Vinnick was going to win? Especially since they can let the show end with one Democractic president replacing another Democrat?

Aright, so it's time for me to go find something to do....wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Today's Fan Fiction Rec - West Wing

The Joshua Monologues
AU. Josh & Donna. The Vagina Monologues and what comes after.
West Wing - Fiction Rated: NC-17 - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 202180 - Reviews: 43 - Updated: 1-23-06 - Published: 10-10-02

Note that this story is NC-17 at the link provided above. If you'd like the R version, head over to and search for The Joshua Monologues under West Wing. Absolutely wonderful story that's still a WIP.

Finally watching AI

I'm finally watching AI, while I participate in the Abraxan weekly chat.

I was SOOOO surprised to see Ace and Lisa in the bottom three along with Melissa. I expected Melissa, but was hoping that Lisa would be safe, and thank goodness she was!

Waiting for American Idol

And here I thought American Idol was on at 7........guess not. Since I've moved out of my bedroom, computer and all and into the parents room where there's a tv, I'll stay here til 8:30 when AI is over. Im guessing the either Bucky, Melissa, Kevin, or Elliot are leaving tonight. I think Chris, Paris, Mandisa, and Lisa are safe.

Alright, so it's going to snow tomorrow. On March 15th, it's gonna snow. I am so tired of snow, let alone large amounts of the stuff. We're under a winter storm warning that will go in effect at 6AM tomorrow and last through 9PM tomorrow night. 5-10 inches with 20 mph winds. Now while I can handle that around my dinky little town, I work in downtown Madison, and the city of Madison SUCKS at clearing their streets. Driving to work should be pretty easy. Driving home around 12:30 (it's Spring Break, I'm only working 4 hours/day) though should be interesting.

*Sigh* classes start again on Monday. I can't believe I'm almost done with my junior year in college. That being said, there's no way I graduate in four years. It's just not going to happen. I like my major, I just don't know what Im going to do with it when I graduate. Law school or grad school would be good options, but I dont have the drive to do them now. If I were to do either of them, I wouldnt get anything out of them, or at least not enough to make it worth my while. *shrugs*

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Today's Fan Fiction rec - Harry Potter

Today's rec is actually two stories, because they go best together. I know they're absurdly long, but they're SOOOO good :) I would have given a link to the site at, but the site seems to be temporarily down.

The Refiner's Fire by abraxan
COMPLETE! Sixth year. Harry comes to terms with Sirius's death and learns to enjoy life again. But there’s a war on, and his life is in danger. Canon w OC. Ships: HOC HG RH RT
Complete - Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: M - English - Action/Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 40 - Words: 397345 - Reviews: 834 - Updated: 6-24-05 - Published: 12-8-04

The Time of Destiny
by abraxan
Harry Potter returns to Privet Drive for the last time, prior to his Seventh Year at Hogwarts. Much to the Dursleys surprise, Remus is going to stay with him due to a head injury Harry received on the train. The Dursleys are not happy with this situation.
Complete - Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: M - English - Action/Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 582605 - Reviews: 1000 - Updated: 3-7-06 - Published: 6-29-05

Monday, March 13, 2006

Watching The Cold again

Alright, so Bravo is replaying last night's West Wing episode, and I've settled in to watch it. I have every hope that it will be just as good the second time around. Im going to try and write a short AU for the end :-P

Today's Fan Fiction Rec - Harry Potter

Today's fanfiction rec:

Harry Potter and the Summer of Change by lorddwar
WIP PostOOTP, Very Little of HBP. Harry returns to Privet Drive and Tonks helps him become the man and hero he must be to survive. HONKS. Action, Violence, Language and Sexual Situations
Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: M - English - Action/Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 255273 - Reviews: 938 - Updated: 3-4-06 - Published: 9-5-05

Sunday, March 12, 2006

West Wing - The Cold (3/12)

7:05 PM
OH MY GOD! The kiss! I can't believe it! It's about time!
Kate and Will are so funny! The post-eps tomorrow are going to be great :) Bruno's such an interesting character. I like Jed Bartlet. As I watch this episode, I'm reminded just how much I'm going to miss this show come May. CJ looks really old.
EEEEEEP! Talking about the kiss! :-P Oh, what a cop out! The look on Josh's face was interesting though...I bet he was lying...OOOO He looks jealous. I wish CJ would get her head out of her ass. She forgets so easily that the more she screws around with Josh's schedule, the less chance they have of winning. LOL he so wants to kiss her. *grumbles* Idiotic White House
This episode is so good :) And Donna is so funny right now. :-P This is so funny. CJ and Donna...interesting. ROTFL! She trips over CJ asking about Josh. I love Debbie :) Well interesting...Leo being taken out of the room. OOOO...The republicans watching Leo being taken into the Oval Office....
So back in the Roosevelt room...interesting. The not so covert looks between Josh and Donna make me giggle. Interesting conversation between Leo and Jed in the Oval Office. Nice little speech by Leo. Here we go...candidates and the President in a room together. Interesting perspective there, looking at the scene from above. This is an interesting conversation here... Vinnick looks out of it in this scene. OOOO I always liked her...from way back when she was on Home Improvement. Interesting group here....OOOOOOOOOO I wish she hadnt taken Donna's key. I so totally want the two of them to get together.

All in all, an utterly fantastic episode. Now it's time to wait for next week's previews. OH MY GOD! SAM!